Unknowingly sold rare coins from Massachusetts yard sales returned to family with great sentiment

By Seemi

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It is hard to believe that kindness still exists amidst all the devastating acts occurring around us today, but this incident, which took place in Massachusetts very recently, has helped reignite our hope for humanity. An unexpected gift surprised the Spiewakowskis during one of their most difficult moments, and they were reminded by it how sweet life could be even in dire situations.

Yard Sale with a Surprise

The family had been busy sorting through their elderly father’s belongings, preparing for an estate sale. In the midst of all the jumble, there was a box of costume jewelry that had rare coins in it, which was sold at a yard sale for as little as $6. Unbeknownst to them, that was the terrible moment where everything began to change for them.

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Customer with Morals

A few days later, the buyer of the container located the family via their estate agent and gave back the rare currency along with a warm message. The letter had a strong saying from Kipling that taught values of kindness and humility above possessions.

Family’s Gratitude

Steve Spiewakowski, the son, was overwhelmed with emotion as he read the note and realized the value of the coins. “We never would have known. We didn’t know that stuff was in there, and we never would have missed it,” he said, his voice filled with gratitude.

Hero in Our Midst, The Qualities that Make Mike an Unlikely Hero

  • Selflessness: Mike’s decision to return the rare coins, despite their significant value, demonstrates his selfless nature and willingness to put others before himself.
  • Integrity: Mike’s honesty and integrity shine through in his actions, showing that he is a man of his word and true to his values.
  • Compassion: The note and quote left by Mike reveal his compassionate and empathetic side, showing that he took the time to understand the family’s situation.
  • Humility: Mike’s choice to remain anonymous highlights his humble nature, demonstrating that he did not seek recognition or reward for his actions.
  • Inspiration: Mike’s actions have inspired the Spiewakowski family and others to pay it forward, creating a ripple effect of kindness and generosity.

Reminder of Humanity’s Kindness

In a world where negativity often dominates the headlines, this story serves as a poignant reminder of the kindness that surrounds us. Mike’s honesty and generosity have inspired the Spiewakowski family to pay it forward and spread kindness wherever they go.

Lesson for Us All

Life is filled with daily struggles, but we should never forget what Mike said and how much difference one person can make in someone else’s life. It is advisable that we adopt his exemplary character by doing good for goodness’ sake. Thus, it becomes possible to start a kindness revolution that would change the world gradually, bit by bit.


Who is the hero in the story?

Mike, the customer who returned the rare coins.

How much did Mike pay for the coins?

$6, as part of a box of costume jewelry.

Why did Mike return the coins?

Because he believed in doing the right thing.

Can one person make a difference?

What does Mike’s story teach us?

That kindness, honesty, and humility are essential values.

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