New SNAP Law and New Plan will change everything related to Benefits

By Rehanna

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Imagine relying on government assistance to feed your family, only to have your benefits stolen by scammers. This is the harsh reality for millions of SNAP beneficiaries across the country. But, there’s hope on the horizon. Legislators in New Jersey have proposed a new SNAP law that aims to protect vulnerable citizens and combat scammers.

What are the benefits of The Stop SCAMS Act?

On July 22, Congressman Josh Gottheimer, Senator Brian Stack, and New Jersey Senate President Nicholas Scutari announced the Stop Scammers, Card Abuse, and Malicious Skimming Act, or Stop SCAMS Act. This federal legislation comes after alarming data revealed approximately 177,000 cases of SNAP fraud in 46 reporting states during the first quarter of 2024.

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Plans to Secure SNAP Benefits

If passed, the Stop SCAMS Act will require states to notify recipients of potential dangers, fix security flaws in EBT cards, and switch to more secure chip-enabled cards within five years. The Secretary of Agriculture will also issue cybersecurity regulations to address EBT technological vulnerabilities.

Weaknesses of EBT Cards

EBT cards, used by SNAP recipients to manage their benefits, are susceptible to fraud, including cloning, phishing, and skimming. In New Jersey alone, $913,225 in stolen SNAP benefits were reported in the first quarter of 2024. While victims who filed claims were reimbursed $774,765, the issue remains rampant nationwide.

A Nationwide Problem

EBT card fraud is a continuous problem across the country, with several states taking action to combat it. Proposed legislation in New York, the state with the highest number of fraud cases, would automatically cancel compromised EBT cards and make SNAP theft a Class D felony.

Why EBT Cards Matter?

EBT cards are crucial for Americans receiving government assistance. They enable beneficiaries to make payments with their benefits, ensuring access to nutritious food. Without these cards, SNAP recipients would struggle to receive their funds and utilize participating retailers.

Congressman Gottheimer’s proposed legislation aims to help individuals nationwide, emphasizing that food security should not be a partisan issue. New Jersey Senate President Nicholas Scutari also stresses the need for greater government oversight to combat scammers and fraudsters.


The Stop SCAMS Act is a vital step towards protecting millions of SNAP recipients from scammers. By securing EBT cards and addressing technological vulnerabilities, we can ensure that vulnerable residents receive the benefits they need to thrive. Let’s hope this legislation passes and makes a real difference in the lives of those who need it most.

Hey, I'm Rehanna! I've been writing about finance for 6 years. I've got a degree in Mass Comm and I'm all about making finance simple and easy to understand. I write articles and blog posts that help people and businesses make sense of their money. Finance is my jam and I love sharing my knowledge with others!

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