Plaintiff with get $2,500, Breaking Down Funko’s $2 Million Deal

By Samiya

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Folks who like Funko Pops might be interested to know that the company is giving $2.1 million to settle a lawsuit among many people. How did this lawsuit start, though?It looks like they might be getting a nice chunk of change—$2,500 to be exact. So why did they pay out this much, and what’s next? Let’s explore.

What Led to the Lawsuit?

A group of shareholders sued Funko, alleging that the company misled them by hiding crucial information about its problems. This included issues with inventory management, product cancellations, and lower-than-expected sales figures. As a result, Funko’s shares were artificially inflated, making investors think the company was doing better than it really was.

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Funko’s Payout,The Settlement Details

If the settlement is approved, each plaintiff will receive $2,500. Funko has also agreed to implement new corporate governance measures to improve transparency and rebuild trust with investors.

What’s Next Chapter for Funko?

The court will review the proposed settlement and hold a hearing on November 15 to confirm the final terms. If approved, Funko will disburse the money and take steps to ensure similar situations don’t happen again.

How Shareholders Will Be Affected?

If you’re a current Funko shareholder, your rights may be affected by this resolution. Keep an eye on court notifications and consider filing objections by October 17.

A New Chapter for Funko?

This settlement marks a new chapter for Funko, with a focus on transparency and accountability. The company has agreed to implement new practices, including better inventory management and greater transparency in information provided to investors.


The settlement hearing is scheduled for November 15, 2024, at 1:30 p.m. in Los Angeles, California. The judge will determine whether the terms of the settlement are fair, reasonable, and adequate.


Who gets the $2.5K payout?

What did Funko allegedly do wrong?

Misled shareholders by hiding crucial information.

What’s next?

Court review and a hearing on November 15.

Can I still object to the settlement?

Yes, if you’re a shareholder, you have until October 17.

I'm Samiya Khan, currently pursuing Bachelor of Arts. I have one year experience in mass communication with a passion for storytelling and connecting with audiences. I learn from experienced professionals. I love to write articles about finance and public benefits. I'm looking forward to growing as a mass communication professional.

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