Public Housing Program will give your own house, Know Eligibility, Application and Benefits

By Nazia

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The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) established public housing as a crucial initiative to offer eligible low-income families, the elderly, and people with disabilities safe, decent, and affordable rental housing. This program plays a crucial role in addressing housing insecurity and improving the quality of life for millions of Americans.

Public Housing

The public housing landscape in the United States is diverse and extensive. It encompasses a wide range of housing types, from scattered single-family houses to high-rise apartments for elderly residents. As of the latest data, approximately 970,000 households reside in public housing units across the nation. These units are managed by around 3,300 local Housing Authorities (HAs), showcasing the program’s broad reach and impact.

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HUD’s role in this program is multifaceted. The department administers federal aid to local HAs, which are responsible for managing the housing for low-income residents at affordable rents. Beyond financial support, HUD provides crucial technical and professional assistance to HAs in various aspects of public housing, including planning, development, and management.

Eligibility Criteria for Public Housing

Public Housing is specifically designed to cater to low-income individuals and families. The eligibility criteria are carefully structured to ensure that those most in need can access this valuable resource. Local Housing Authorities determine eligibility based on three primary factors:

1. Annual Gross Income

The income limits are set by HUD and vary by location. Generally, HUD sets the lower income limits at 80% and very low-income limits at 50% of the median income for the county or metropolitan area in which you choose to live. It’s important to note that income limits can differ significantly from one area to another, meaning you might be eligible in one location but not in another.

2. Qualification as Elderly or Disabled Family

The program aims to assist various demographics, including families, elderly individuals, and persons with disabilities. Each category may have specific eligibility requirements.

3. U.S. Citizenship or Eligible Immigration Status

The HUD regulations specify that applicants must either be U.S. citizens or have an eligible immigration status.

In addition to these primary criteria, HAs also conduct background checks and review references to ensure that potential tenants will be good neighbors and contribute positively to the housing community. HAs have the authority to deny admission to applicants whose habits or practices may be detrimental to other tenants or the overall environment of the housing project.

The Application Process

Applying for public housing involves several steps and requires careful attention to detail. Here’s a breakdown of the process:

If you’re interested in applying for public housing, the first step is to contact your local Housing Authority. If you have difficulty reaching your local HA, you can contact the local HUD Field Office for assistance.

Written Application

The application must be in written form. Either you or an HA representative will fill it out. The application typically requires the following information

  • Names, sex, date of birth, and relationship to the family head of all persons who would be living in the unit
  • Your current address and telephone number
  • Family characteristics or circumstances that might qualify for tenant selection preferences (e.g., veteran status, living in substandard housing)
  • Names and addresses of current and previous landlords for tenant suitability verification
  • An estimate of your family’s anticipated income for the next twelve months and its sources
  • Names and addresses of employers, banks, and other information needed to verify income, deductions, and family composition

Home Visit

The HA may conduct a home visit to interview you and your family members. This visit allows them to assess how you manage the upkeep of your current home.

Program Overview

After collecting this information, the HA representative should provide a comprehensive description of the public housing program, its requirements, and answer any questions you may have.

Documentation Requirements

To verify the information provided in your application, the HA will require various documents. These may include:

  • Birth certificates
  • Tax returns
  • Pay stubs
  • Bank statements
  • Social Security award letters
  • Other relevant financial documents

The HA will also conduct direct verification with employers and other relevant parties. You will be asked to sign a form authorizing the release of pertinent information to the HA.

Notification Process

The HA is required to provide written notification regarding your application status. There are two possible outcomes:


If you’re determined to be eligible, your name will be placed on a waiting list, unless the HA can assist you immediately. The HA will contact you when your name reaches the top of the waiting list.


If you’re deemed ineligible, the HA must provide a reason for the decision. In this case, you have the right to request an informal hearing to appeal the decision.

Leasing and Moving In

If you’re offered a housing unit and accept it, you’ll need to sign a lease with the HA. This process involves several important steps:

Lease Signing

You’ll be required to sign a lease agreement with the HA. This document outlines your rights and responsibilities as a tenant, as well as those of the HA as a landlord.

Security Deposit

You may be required to provide a security deposit to the HA.

Lease Review

It’s crucial that you and the HA representative go over the lease together in detail. This review ensures you fully understand your obligations as a tenant and the HA’s responsibilities as a landlord.

Selection Preferences

Housing Authorities often implement selection preferences to prioritize families with the greatest housing needs. These preferences allow HAs to direct their limited resources more effectively. Common reasons for long waiting periods include:

  • High demand for housing assistance often exceeding available resources
  • HAs may close their waiting lists when there are more families than can be assisted in the near future

Each HA has the discretion to establish preferences based on the specific needs of their community. These preferences are typically outlined in the HA’s written policy manual. It’s advisable to inquire about these preferences to determine if you qualify for any priority consideration.

Rent Determination

In the public housing program, your rent is referred to as the Total Tenant Payment (TTP). The TTP is calculated based on your family’s anticipated gross annual income, less any applicable deductions. HUD regulations allow for several deductions:

  • $480 for each dependent
  • $400 for any elderly family or a person with a disability
  • Certain medical deductions for families headed by an elderly person or a person with disabilities

The formula used to determine the TTP is the highest of the following, rounded to the nearest dollar:

  1. 30% of the monthly adjusted income
  2. 10% of monthly income
  3. Welfare rent (if applicable)
  4. A minimum rent of $25 (or up to $50, as set by the HA)
  5. Role of the Housing Authority

Housing Authorities play a crucial role in managing and operating local public housing programs. Their responsibilities include:

Ongoing Functions

  • Ensuring compliance with leases
  • Setting additional charges (e.g., security deposits, excess utility consumption, damages to units)
  • Conducting periodic reexaminations of family income (at least once every 12 months)
  • Transferring families between units as needed
  • Terminating leases when necessary
  • Maintaining the development in a decent, safe, and sanitary condition

Additional Services: Some HAs provide extra services to support residents, such as:

  • Homeownership opportunities for qualified families
  • Employment training programs
  • Special training and employment programs for residents
  • Support programs for elderly residents

Length of Stay in Public Housing

You can remain in public housing as long as you comply with the terms of your lease. However, during periodic reexaminations, if your family’s income is determined to be sufficient to obtain housing on the private market, the HA may reassess whether your family should continue to stay in public housing.


HUD’s Public Housing Program is a crucial resource for millions of low-income Americans, providing access to safe, decent, and affordable housing. By understanding the eligibility criteria, application process, and ongoing requirements, potential applicants can better navigate this system and access the housing assistance they need.

It’s important to note that while this information provides a comprehensive overview of the program, specific details may vary by location and individual Housing Authority. Always consult with your local HA for the most up-to-date and relevant information regarding public housing in your area.

Remember, the landscape of public housing is dynamic, with the number of households changing daily within the Public and Indian Housing Inventory Management System (IMS-PIC). This fluidity underscores the ongoing demand and importance of this vital program in addressing housing needs across the United States.

38 thoughts on “Public Housing Program will give your own house, Know Eligibility, Application and Benefits”


    • I’m on housing I applied for rapid rehousing they got me in only a 2 month wait but it was well worth it got tired of living with family members and my adult children I’m so at peace now and I’m on ssdi

  2. I am interested in this opportunity. Thank you for reviewing this comment and please send me an application through email I have 3 Children and have been looking for a fresh start. Hope goes out to the rest of the families in need of help as well.

  3. I’ve recently experienced local HOUSING AUTHORITY in and around Seattle WA. my god I was living next to people released from prison for murder, people with serious mental issues, naked men running around, verbally attacked on a weekly basis, threats. Local police said it’s federal property they cannot enforce most community laws, management turnover in 2 years was over 6 managers. There’s no protection I saw and heard things I’ll never be able to “unsee” this HUD needs an overhaul it’s a disaster!! If I didn’t already have PTSD I got it from living on a HUD owned/ran property.

  4. I have been living in a trailer for years that is filled with black mold from our roof. It has been 10 years like this. It’s my mother’s 1 bedroom trailer she’s suppose to be living in alone. I now have a 1 1/5 year old I have to raise in this not up kept place. Mold is getting worse everyday. I am 33 and disabled due to health issues and severe panic disorder. All I want is to give my son everything I can which has been not so possible. This would change our lives. Thank you for your time.

  5. At 48 I started welding school trying to find a direction for the rest of my life to go in. I am a female with felonies and have never felt so desperate in life to find help. I was failing at school because I had no home no transportation no one to support my direction.

  6. I have a 19 year old daughter who’s on the spectrum or autism I’m also taking care of my 81 year old stepfather it is very hard for me to work and provide the proper care that they both need

  7. Hello I am living in a apt now for 3 yrs. To long only because I have had 3 different tenants they are in considered of everybody space I have had to call the police different times only because they play there music loud all night til the next day there’s constantly music arguing throwing clothes out the window. I just want to move I live by my self I am a diabetic I give myself 4 shots a day under doctors care high blood pressure I am in need of a house.

  8. Ok i can answer all of your questions. Half of you will be denied because you can not form a complete grammatically correct sentence so how can you fill out an application….DENIED! The rest need to stop crying about your life and go get what you want. By the time you get to the top of the waiting list you could have got a degree a job and helped yourself. Im homeless. Been to prison twice. No job. No family. But you know what? I still have to do for myself because life taught me that nobody really gives a shit about my problems. Im 51 years old high school drop out AND im black. So if you can say all that then you can also say that its not over. Im strong because i survived all that and most people would kill themselves walking in my shoes. Yall need to find the strength and courage to beat the system that keeps you helpless not ask it for help. Fuck that.

  9. Ok i can answer all of your questions. Half of you will be denied because you can not form a complete grammatically correct sentence so how can you fill out an application….DENIED! The rest need to stop crying about your life and go get what you want. By the time you get to the top of the waiting list you could have got a degree a job and helped yourself. Im homeless. Been to prison twice. No job. No family. But you know what? I still have to do for myself because life taught me that nobody really gives a shit about my problems. Im 51 years old high school drop out AND im black. So if you can say all that then you can also say that its not over. Im strong because i survived all that and most people would kill themselves walking in my shoes. Yall need to find the strength and courage to beat the system that keeps you helpless not ask it for help.

  10. I’m a disabled from work and on survivor income and in need of some reliable resources of housing I moved from NY to FL to get closer to my daughter and lost my oldest son than my lost my husband and now I’m finally got a place big enough for me and my esa dog to live 930 amth out of 1100disabilitu and survivor income and trying to get a cheaper place so I can afford it my daughter told me to get a place so she can help me out but I can find reliable resources to help me out so I took first thing I could I used up all of my savings for motel rooms and was stay in my car but know I have a part of room for rent 930 out of my benefits to live by till I can find the right person to talk to thanks for listening everything is either spam or robot web. Site to other sites spam calls [email protected] or [email protected] or3212604229lrave messages or 7856536766lrave messages827mcdonaldport orange fl 32129

  11. I’m currently homeless and living here and there, I also currently on SSI and where I go to stay with supposed family, they are abusive verbally and mental and I have several health issues and I getting worse every day, I travel anywhere they take me and my money, soon I’ll need to get some life insurance so if anything come to worse I’ll be able to cremate myself, I really need to live in my own with a health care person to assist me. PLEASE 🙏🏾 Help. California Los Angeles

  12. Im ran away from domestic violence and came to N.Y. for help and haven’t gotten the help I need . Im homeless and sleeping wherever I feel safe. Im 47 and seeking to have my own place. Pls call if you can offer me the help I need. 910-644-9954

  13. I ran away from domestic violence and came to N.Y. for help and haven’t gotten the help I need . Im homeless and sleeping wherever I feel safe. Im 47 and seeking to have my own place. Pls call if you can offer me the help I need. 910-644-9954

  14. Pretty Much Most Places, and A LOT of Housing Places Are Not🚫That Great!! You’re DAMN Lucky if you are able to, and Can Actually Get into Somewhere Half Way Decent!!

  15. I have been homeless out in the streets since my divorce in 2020. I have lost everything and still trying to rebuild. Any help will do, including a hot shower and meal. Please direct me in the right direction.

  16. I have been homeless since my divorce in 2020. I have lost everything and still trying to rebuild. Any help will do, including a hot shower and meal. Please direct me in the right direction.

  17. I want a house, so I can reunify with my younger children and start fresh with them and be a family again. I love and miss my children and grandkids. I need to know how and where should I look online to obtain the proper information so I can get a house.

  18. Good day my name is Yadira Tario and my son is Miguel A. Tario he is a disabled person who is 23 years old I am his mom we just have a case number from Section 8 and still waiting for an interview


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