The End of SSI Benefits, Some of retirees will not receive benefits

By Rehanna

Updated on:

The Social Security Administration (SSA) recently announced that over 100,000 individuals will no longer receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits. This decrease has left many wondering about the reasons behind this change. As of May 2024, 7,261,342 people received SSI payments, a decrease of 119,395 from the previous year. But what’s driving this trend?

Who is Affected?

SSI benefits are typically available to blind or disabled adults and children with limited income. This group makes up the bulk of SSI claimants, with 6.1 million out of 7.2 million recipients falling into this category. However, there was a notable decrease of 140,034 in the number of disabled or blind claimants receiving benefits. On the other hand, the number of beneficiaries aged 65 and over increased by 20,639.

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State-by-State Breakdown

The decrease in SSI recipients varies by state. California saw a significant drop of 16,573 applications between May 2023 and 2024. Texas and New York also experienced notable decreases, with 14,587 and 9,555 fewer beneficiaries, respectively. However, some states like North Dakota and Rhode Island reported minimal changes in the number of SSI claimants.

Changes in Disability Benefits and SSI

The SSA has announced updates to the disability determination process, aiming to streamline applications and reduce wait times. The new rule simplifies the evaluation process, focusing on an applicant’s most recent relevant work experience. This change aims to make it easier for individuals to apply for benefits, but its impact on SSI recipients remains to be seen.

What’s Next?

As the SSA continues to evolve its policies, it’s essential for current and prospective SSI beneficiaries to stay informed. The decrease in SSI recipients may be attributed to various factors, including changes in eligibility or application processes. One thing is clear – the landscape of SSI benefits is shifting, and those affected must adapt to these changes.

Stay Informed, Stay Ahead

If you’re currently receiving SSI benefits or planning to apply, it’s crucial to stay up-to-date on the latest developments. The SSA’s changes may impact your eligibility or application process. By understanding these shifts, you can better navigate the system and ensure you receive the benefits you need.


What is SSI?

SSI is a government program that helps people who are disabled, blind, or elderly and don’t have much money.

Why are peoples losing SSI benefits?

The government is making some changes, and some people won’t qualify for benefits anymore.

What changes is the government making?

The government is changing how it decides who is disabled and can get benefits.

How will this affect people getting SSI?

Some people might not get benefits anymore, or they might need to reapply.

What should I do if I get SSI benefits?

Keep an eye on the news and be prepared for changes.

Can I still apply for SSI benefits?

Yes, you can still apply, but be aware of the changes.

Hey, I'm Rehanna! I've been writing about finance for 6 years. I've got a degree in Mass Comm and I'm all about making finance simple and easy to understand. I write articles and blog posts that help people and businesses make sense of their money. Finance is my jam and I love sharing my knowledge with others!

20 thoughts on “The End of SSI Benefits, Some of retirees will not receive benefits”

    • Wake up !!!!
      They hate the American way and they hate the American people so why wouldn’t they do that seriously. You have to be a certain kind of people to keep collecting your social security if that should happen! The government needs to leave our benefits alone.

    • There is a fact: Most of the publications that you see here are not true, it is a tool for scammers, Also used to misinform and try to weaken and influence negatively the process to vote to elect the VP for the presidency, it will only benefit the evil opponent that have been to take power by assaulting even killing his vp for not breaking the law in his attempt to stay against the people decision to try a decent and honest good president. Mrs Harris is predicted to win not matter these dirty tricks!.
      Let say this is partly true because it looks genuine, the owner apparently is Elon Musk individual I don’t trust, or whomever the owner is, have several suggestions we should follow, look for Law Firm that advocates for our rights. In the mean time I already send messages to people like us that will make this very same message to be read by the President and still vote of our great Country. Whatever they answer I will get back here and let you know. Apparently this is aiming a few states and I am asking also Why!

  1. This is my money ! I worked for thirty years. Why are you messing with my money. You people in white stop all illegals…. they are taking all our money, houses, insurance away. Deport now. We are not happy!

    • they are only talking about the supplemental security income …for those that are disabled and for whatever reason we’re not able to pay into the social security system. So if you’re on regular Social Security, or SSDI your fine with respect to this article. Your benefits were not included in this….hope that helps

    • Nothing to do with illegals I must say. This are crooked politicians pushing our numbers. Also know as manipulation, I have seen this actions from professional agitators, maybe from the ship that recently came to Cuba?, all this is very suspicious!!!!!

      • I believe it has a lot to do with illegals!! Many, if not all are getting finances through OUR SOCIAL SECURITY. THAT, I believe is the real reason Social Security is saying it will go broke by 2035. That, I also believe is the reason the age for retirement age is going to be raised to 70. We TAX PAYER’S are supporting many who never earned the right to Social Security PAYMENT’S!!!!

  2. I receive my husband death benefit so how will I keeping receiving my husband death benefit every month from SSI to SS will I receive more benefits from husband SS because we were married for 25 years I am on social security disability

    • How did you get a death benefit the reason I’m asking I was married for 43 yrs an my husband just passed away he was on social security they told me I had to be 60yrs old to get it

  3. What the government needs to do is leave our benefits alone we worked for this our whole lives an the government took there share an if they want take our benefits then we the people won’t pay taxes ever again so just remember you were voted in by us and you can be voted out period people

    • Remember who is planning to do just all this? is in their plan called “Project 2025” pay attention, do not turn your eyes from what they are planning, this is why we must keep them from taking back the Power that will allow them to squeeze our money and benefits, remember who is friend with Putin and who is not and never will.

  4. Disability is needed . The wait times are too overwhelming. I don’t believe in cutting out the money for anybody . In fact I don’t believe we should make people work if they can’t . If they are sick they’re sick . They have enough to worry about .

  5. I need your help i want to application for SSDI or register for SSDI out of USA or you just help me what you want me to do for you right now. Because i live in Zambian and Am DEAF. Thankfully.


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