$1,033 Per Month Boost your Social Security Checks

By Seemi

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So, if you are an older citizen who has retired or will soon retire and want to get the most out of your Social Security benefits, I’m going to tell you a secret that very few people know about that can make your monthly checks $1,033 more.

The Power of Delaying Social Security Checks

There are social security benefits that are issued to millions of retired persons every month, as it is their main source of income. Thus, it is essential to maximize it. The positive point is that you have a choice when requesting your entitlements, and this will determine how much money you receive every month.

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The Impact of Claiming Age

Your monthly payments will be about 30% lower. If you claim Social Security at age 62, you will receive it at full retirement age. But if you’re willing to wait until age seventy for their benefits, they will increase by eight percent in that year alone! For instance, assume that your FRA is sixty-seven years old and you qualify for an average payout of $1,913.31 per month. Thus, at this age of 62, we can say that your payment would amount to $1,339.32, while waiting until seventy years would raise your paycheck up to two thousand three hundred 72 dollars fifty cents every month.

Is Delaying Social Security Checks Right for You?

It is not an easy yes or no. It may make more sense to file for benefits before you reach age 62 if you have health problems or a shorter projection of life expectancy. If you are extremely healthy and expect to live a long time, then delaying your application can yield higher amounts over the course of your lifetime.

Weighing Your Options

Consider your personal conditions. Delaying your claim might be better if you do not have a lot of savings or if you think you will rely heavily on Social Security. An additional $1,000+ monthly would go a long way toward making retirement easier for you. Moreover, if you live longer than expected, such additional benefits may save your life.


In conclusion, delaying your Social Security Checks until age 70 can have significant financial benefits. So, if you expect to rely on Social Security in retirement, it’s worth considering. Remember, the increase you receive will depend on your individual wage history, but the potential boost is undeniable.


How can I increase my Social Security checks?

Delay claiming until age 70.

How much can I increase my checks?

How do I decide when to make a claim?

Consider your nest egg and reliance on Social Security.

How does FRA impact my benefits?

What if I claim before the FRA?

Your benefits will be reduced.

I am an experienced article writer/content writer known for my strong self-discipline, focus ,and dedication. I cover topics like news, technology, culture, politics and many more. I have a degree in this field from a very well known institute/foundation. I continue to create compelling content that informs and entertains.

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